KonfigDesign möte
KonfigDesign Kontoret

How WE help you

Our proven process

With 15 years of experience we have found an implementation process that really works! Vi have a structured way of working that starts with an introduction and leads step by step to a customized solution.

Here you can read more about how it is done.


During the introduction phase we get to know each other. We want you to tell us as much as possible about your current situation and your expectations, so that we can give you relevant suggestions on how we can help you. We can sometimes show other customer cases to give you some examples.

Based on our suggestions we agree on what should be part of the next phase – Kickstart.

We can also give you preliminary information on costs for software licenses and a rough estimate on time needed from our side in the Project phase.

The introduction phase is free of charge.


The aim of Kickstart is to take a first step together, at a limited fixed cost.

The activities during a Kickstart vary depending on the systems we think will be implemented and the scope of the solution. For example, we can work with demo versions of software to develop a prototype solution.

After the Kickstart, we know more in detail about what is involved in a project with you and can provide a business proposal with more concrete license costs and more limited time estimates in different project stages.


In the project phase, we work with you to develop your unique solution. We work inspired by Agile working methodologies, which means:

  • Close and regular contact for reconciliation and planning.
  • Development and implementation as planned.
  • Testing and feedback on an ongoing basis.
  • Training to enable you to manage and maintain the system.

After we have completed the project steps we have agreed on, the project moves to us helping with support and possible further development.