With the help of a configurator, Movomech automates the sales process

Profiles form the backbone of a rail system.

Profiles form the backbone of a rail system.

A configurator can be used in more areas than manufacturing and construction. Movomech in Kristianstad uses a configurator to streamline sales efforts where contacts are made online.

Movomech in Kristianstad supplies industrial companies around the world with lifting equipment. It supplies rails, trolleys and lifting devices in a customized rail system. The company wanted to create a better way to communicate with its sellers and retailers on the international market. This approach was therefore automated using a web-based configurator. This was customized by KonfigDesign in Hudiksvall in the RuleDesigner program.

With the help of the configurator, the salesperson at the customer’s premises can make various choices and thus determine the characteristics and dimensions of the rail system. This is done in a web browser. Once all the choices are made, the customer receives a quote with all the data, a parts list and a 3D model. This model is generated from the CAD system. The seller does not need to contact Movomech to obtain various data, everything is done via the configurator via the web.

Efforts have also been made to make the web-based configurator as educational as possible with clear icons containing illustrations. This should work on computers, tablets and smartphones. As this function is linked to Movomech’s ERP system, the customer can get a price that is consistent with discounts.

When this flow of information is automated in this way, Movomech saves time.
– We have cut several hours and reduced the time per order by about 85%, says project manager Göran Nilsson. The number of sources of error is minimized because fewer people are handling the information. It ensures our delivery quality, shortens the sales process, and makes transactions easier and safer.

For more information contact:

Göran Nilsson, Movomech, tel. 044-28 29 57, mobile: 0705-10 57 51
E-mail: goran.nilsson@movomech.se

Andreas B Hallberg, KonfigDesign, tel: 0650-133 00, mobile: 076-337 11 62